I'm replacing my hinge insert right now, as shown in the excellent video, and at 14 yrs old and 101k miles, the two fat wires in this bundle (power and ground) are broken open and the red one is broken through nearly all the core strands. After a little fuse hunting (DDM module fuse in wayback panel, overhead lighting fuse in pass footwell panel) everything is now working again! I cut the wire tie, soldered in a new section for the severed wire, and wrapped the rest of the damaged wires with electrical tape (individually) as they seemed solid.

I think I actually found a bulletin in VIDA that said to cut that zip tie as it could cause chafing :angryfire: :facepalm: Actually nearly every wire in the bundle (~10?) was damaged. I had a code for LIN bus communication, and one of the wires that I think was for LIN bus was blue-white and was completely severed. I finally had a chance to dig in to the wiring this weekend and found this horror show: I had come the conclusion that I'd likely find the problem in the wiring loom that goes from the door jamb to the door, as noted in some other threads on this forum regarding other non-XC70 models. I have had no window or wing mirror functionality in the driver's door for some.